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Naked Juice Ad Campaign

Client: Naked Juice

Writer: Ashlen Courtney


CTB (Strategy) Statement:

Convince busy consumers that Naked Juice is a convenient way to get nutrition on the go, because it’s pre-blended and packed with healthy ingredients.



Be shameless. Drink Naked.



The brand has a cool name. Period. This overall selling idea plays on the name in a snarky, but humorous way. It will be applied to all ads including: print, television, radio, out of home, and sales promotions in the campaign to maintain consistency. The slogan, specifically the “Be shameless” portion refers to the idea that consumers don’t have to feel bad about drinking Naked juice because it’s a healthy, all natural alternative to other sugary beverages.


Print Ads: see slideshow images 1 and 2 below.


Billboard: see slideshow image 3 below.



The billboard is very minimalist. It shows a bottle of Naked juice against a white background and reads “No sugar. No preservatives. No shame.” The plan is for it to be located in Times Square, directly above a row of fast food and chain restaurants. Although the area is overrun with advertisements, this one stands out because it’s so large and plain. Its proximity to a number of unhealthy restaurants adds power (as well as humor) to the message not only because it calls out some competitors, but also because it makes consumers stop and think about what they’re eating or drinking and consider a healthier choice.


Sales Promotion: see slideshow image 4 below.



To maintain consistency, the sales promotion is also quite plain and straightforward. It would be printed on high gloss paper and distributed as an insert in the Sunday newspaper so that it will reach a large number of consumers. It features an image of several Naked juices against a white background. The copy is linear and reads: “Get the goods. (just in time for skinny dipping season).” Beneath the image it provides important information about the promotion: “Buy any two bottles and get one free!” as well as the dates that the promotion will run (June 8-22). The ad also includes a scan code so that consumers with smart phones can download the promotion and have access to more promotions in the future.


TV Storyboard: see slideshow image 5 below.






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